The Alleghany Highlands Needs More Rooms and Better Rooms says the
updated 2022 Lodging Assessment recently completed by the Virginia Tech Center for Economic and Community Engagement.

The Virginia Tech Center for Economic and Community Engagement (VTCECE) in partnership with the Alleghany Highlands Chamber of Commerce, conducted a regional lodging needs assessment to analyze current trends, challenges, opportunities, and demand opportunities for additional lodging in the region. VTCECE collected quantitative data on industry trends, visitor characteristics, travel trends, and more to better understand trends impacting the region’s lodging industry. VTCECE also gathered input from over 20 regional stakeholders to assess current conditions, needs, and opportunities for lodging in the region.
Using the industry analysis and qualitative input as a baseline, VTCECE conducted a market analysis to assess potential demand within market segments within 100-,200-, and 300-mile radius of the Alleghany Highlands.
With predicted lodging industry growth and the existing flow of travelers to the region, there is demand for overnight lodging that is not being met in the region. Overall, both quantitative and qualitative analysis points toward opportunity for additional lodging to be developed in the region—potentially a mid-range or mid-scale lodging option that meets the needs of larger groups of visitors, business travelers, and visitors passing through or looking for a modest, comfortable stay at an affordable price point. Currently, large parties visiting the region often compete for lodging, particularly during weekends—those that cannot find lodging in the region seek other options in Lexington, VA, Lewisburg, WV, or even Roanoke, VA. Business travel also often leaks out of the region. However, business travel and other weeknight travel constitutes a smaller portion of current demand for lodging; demand for rooms seems to be largely driven by seasonal weekend visitation for outdoor recreation, travel ball, and other special events. Between the competitive demand for weekend stays and some demand for weeknight stays, it is evident that the region could potentially support an additional 75 to 300 rooms in the near future.
Alleghany Highlands: Regional Lodging Assessment 2022
This new updated assessment by VTCECE supports previous studies shown below.
Previous Studies
Need for New Lodging Accommodations in Virginia’s Alleghany Highlands
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After an assessment of five lodging accommodations market segments by VT LKnowledgeWorks the study has identified a need for an additional 230 rooms at the ABOVE AVERAGE or better quality standard. Visitor comments support the conclusion.
Spurrier Consulting feasibility study recommends 62-room Sleep Inn
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